Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Arrival of a New Book

Doesn't it just make you want to jump up and dance?
A few days ago, I realized one of my favourite authors had a new book coming out June 4th. Reading a preview on her site revealed that it was a HUGE spoiler and revealed some AWESOME details in her series. Like the identity of this AWESOME character!! And the identity of another character that was mentioned in passing about how she had disappeared, but was HUGELY important in this book!!
I admit, when it arrived early (as in yesterday) I did some squealing and jumping around.
When I read the spoilers, I did some more squealing!! (So much so my sister wondered what the fuck was wrong with me.)
One thing you have to understand about me is that I hate waste. Especially of money. If I buy something to eat, you can be damn sure I'll finish every part of it, no matter how long it takes. If someone buys me something that I don't deem useful in any way, I'll thank them for the thought, but really wonder what the hell they were thinking when they bought it (i.e. flowers—I mean, even chocolate is more useful).
So you can imagine how anxious I was in buying this (hardcover) book when I didn't even know if it was going to be really good.
But after reading it, I have to say that it was worth every penny. And I love it when something I buy is worth it. It gives me a wonderful feeling.

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