Or should I say, it's summer!! I'm so happy, I'm practically throwing up rainbows.
No, really.
Why shouldn't I be happy? It's not as if it isn't swimsuit weather and I have become completely out of shape. Completely. I really need to start working out again. Sigh. But at least I can wear dresses now! Well, without those annoying tights, anyway.
But anyway.
Sorry for skipping out on you guys (if there really is anyone out there. Anyone? *tumbleweed rolls by* Well then.) in April. Just, you know, exam month and all. Complete stress-out and not bathing for a week because of the work and stress and procrastination and... I really don't want to think about last month again. Please don't make me.
On the bright side, I made passable grades this year! I really don't know how I managed that. I didn't study at all, until like, literally the two hours in the morning before the exam. :/ Hm. I should really modify my studying technique. Well, there's summer school for that! God help me.
So yeah.
I watched The Winter Soldier. Then watched it a second time. Again. Because it was so AWESOME! I
loved it! Sigh. I really need to watch it a third time. The action, the storyline, the heroes, the antagonist, the villain, everything was
amazing! Now I really can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy. I know a lot of people say it looks lame, but Marvel has proven itself over and over again in producing quality films, and I really trust them now to give me a good story with lots of action.
Unlike DC. God, Man of Steel was so bad. I mean, it wasn't that bad for a movie adaptation, but so many things about it were just so
wrong. If you've followed the shows Smallville and Justice League, watched the DC animated movies, read the comics, and overall is a complete geek like I am about the Justice League, then you'd know that Superman
never kills! I mean, it's what makes him
Superman. Just like how Batman never uses guns. The whole thing about Superman is that he's this guy that can literally kill you with his pinkie, but
he chooses not to. He's super-powerful, but he chooses the harder, but more morally upright path, rather than just kill left and right, 'cause he could do that. Easily.
And then there's Lois. You know, Anne Hathaway made a passable Catwoman, so I was willing to give Amy Adams the benefit of the doubt. God, was I wrong. She was so bad. Just. So bad. I mean, Lois is supposed to be sassy, fiery. Professional, yes, but never
polite. She's supposed to make snarky comments, and... just be
Sigh. I could go on and on about that movie. Sometimes I think DC is digging itself deeper (I mean cancelling Young Justice for Teen Titans Go?
Really?), while Marvel is rising to the top. And I used to be a much bigger fan of DC than Marvel. I guess times are a'changin. Maybe it'll get better? I hope so.
Oh! And I wanted to talk another thing about The Winter Soldier.
You know, when I saw the actor who played Bucky Barnes, he looked really familiar. And then I realized he played the character Carter Baizen in Gossip Girl. It was so weird! Especially because I never thought of Baizen as hot. I always thought he looked sort of smarmy. My sister and I always called him Smarmy Carter Baizen. And then I saw the actor in the Winter Soldier, and he was
hot! I think it was the muscle, but he was smoking hot in the Winter Soldier. God. That was really surprising. But that actor can really act. I mean, I still can't reconcile the fact that those two drastically different characters were played by the same person.
But yeah. Here you go. A long-ass post in apology for missing all of April. Actually, I could go on and on.
But I should really stop ranting pointlessly.
Sigh. I love Marvel now. And not only because of the hot bods. ;)
Gotta love the epic action scenes in that movie alone! |