Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So I was searching for new blogs...

... to read, you know, and one thing I noticed is that a lot of the authors are moms in their late twenties.
I just turned twenty in february, so I'm just wondering... HAS THE COUNTDOWN TO MY FREEDOM BEGUN? O.O
No offense, but I really don't want children at this point in my life. In fact, just thinking of the wailing, spoiled, messy... things makes me want to run in the other direction. As fast as I can.
Oh, I'm sure, people will say they're "a blessing in disguise," or some other bullshit so you can be as miserable as they are, BUT THEY'RE EVIL.
Seriously. I learned in psych that children aren't born with a moral compass. They grow into it! How freaky is that?

But anyway. Yeah. This is what happens when I feel bored as fuck because exams are over.
I really need to find a good, relateable, non-motherly/family blog to read.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Doctor Who Christmas Specials

I dunno what it is about them, but they're just so awesome and magical. :P

So beautiful... :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I just did.
NOW SUFFER the same as I do!
Libido... STAHP

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Asian Fixation

Okay, while on break from studying (ha!) I got back into k-pop. Well, it was bound to happen.
They're just so... cute! And hot! It's like... GUH.
And their dancing is so awesome. :P
 Ohh yeah. :D

But, anyway. Sigh. Back to exams. I can't wait until this week is over.
I did a lot of studying. ;)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Kill Me Now

I don't want to talk about exams atm, so I won't. x_x

I need alcohol to cope with the next week.
This can't happen again.

Tomorrow's Saturday.
And I have nothing planned.
Fuck this bullshit.

Well, if you have nothing planned, you know where to go?
To the library!
Or the mall. Whatever.
Have a laugh before exams. No hysterical weeping allowed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

That's Just Great...

Fuck. Just realized I can't go clubbing with my friend now that she has a boyfriend.
My other friend won't go clubbing whatsoever, no matter the price, and the other ones, I'm not as close to. Hm. This is a dilemma. Clearly, I need new friends. Or a boyfriend. Well, if I HAD a boyfriend, I wouldn't be thinking about this in the first place! Ugh.
Nevermind. I should really start studying. Ugh.

Weird Thoughts

You know, I read this book where one of the main characters was able to read humans' thoughts, and he was so used to it, he just put them in the back of his mind, like the din of conversation.

But, really, I think if it happened in real life, the person wouldn't be able to put them in the back of his mind. Because everyone is incredibly weird, innately, and so, thus, are their thoughts. I mean, if someone was able to read everyone's thoughts, I don't think they'd be able to put anyone in a box, and say, "Oh, that's a regular, boring human."
Because everyone is really weird. Therefore, the most normal ones are the strangest out of everyone.

Some people juggle geese!


FUCK MY—well, I would say life, but that doesn't apply correctly, does it?

Exams. Here's to our future.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Feel Like a Noodle

Tried muscle-training today, and realized just how weak I am.
Then I slept for six hours straight and now I'm wide awake. At 1 am. With every part of my body incredibly sore.
I should probably do something useful. Like start studying.
Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Je Veux du Café

Oy. Kill me now. I slept on the hard couches in one of the many buildings in my uni for an hour or two.
Didn't help. Thinking of going home and just sleeepppiiinnnggg... No. I have a physics exam I need to study for.
Therefore, j'ai besoin du café. That's all I need to keep me going.
Oh, and I should probably fit in exercise somewhere too...

We all know the real reason I work out. ;)

Baby I Just Wanna Sleeeeeppp...

... I don't really caaaarrreee....
That song's been running through my mind for the past couple of hours. Ugh. I am so dead right now.
Yesterday, I slept through the entire day, and woke up around 6pm. I haven't fallen asleep since.
Kill me now. x_x
I feel like just going home and sleeping instead of studying for my physics exam this friday. Meh.

New Blog!

Okay, so I noticed that most people just post a bunch of short sentences in their blogs, and just update daily.
That certainly sounds easier than what I've been doing—writing long-ass posts like once a month.

So, this will be my new "life" blog—one that I will try to update weekly (if not daily). It should be easy enough, considering it's only a few short sentences a day.

Now I'm gonna go take a nap.